getting there 《be ~》(ある特定{とくてい}の場所{ばしょ}?目標{もくひょう})に向かって着々{ちゃくちゃく}と進んでいる He wasn't fat yet, but he was getting there. 彼はまだ肥満というほどではなかったけれど、確実に近づいていたね。 It's not perfect but we're getting there. まあ、完ぺきとは言えないけど、目標に向か
cold 1cold n. (1) 寒さ. 【動詞+】 He braved the cold and went out into the snow. 寒さをものともせず雪の降る中へ出ていった feel the cold 寒さがこたえる; 冷え性である, 寒さに弱い They burn paraffin stoves to keep off the cold. 寒さ
cold on 《be ~》(人)に冷たい His eyes were cold on mine. 彼は冷たい視線を私に注いだ。